Open Access Monograph and Book Chapter Deposit Form

The Wellcome Trust’s open access policy requires that original published, monographs and book chapters, which arise from Wellcome Trust funding, must be made freely available via the Europe PMC and the NCBI Bookshelf repositories.

If you are the author or publisher of research funded by the Wellcome Trust please use this form to deposit the monograph or book chapter for inclusion in these repositories. To deposit a journal article please use Europe PMC plus.

Please note this form must be completed by the copyright holder or representative for the copyright holder. To complete this form you will need the:

  • relevant Wellcome Trust grant number or grant-holder name
  • full text monograph or book chapter file(s), plus associated metadata files if available
  • licence details of the publication
  • embargo release date, if applicable.

If you have any questions about completing this form, please contact:

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

  • Open Access criteria*

  • Is the monograph or book chapter(s) a research output of a Wellcome Trust grant?
  • Yes
  • No